The list below includes Mirages on a map-by-map basis. Information will be included along with the entry of the Mirage in our list of Mirages below. Some of these can be caught later, once a Mirage Master has been killed.
These are mostly enemies encountered during important quests or parts of the story, or those hidden within the various Murkrift locations around Grymoire. There are some monsters in World of Final Fantasy listed as Unimprismable Mirages. Whenever you first encounter a new Mirage Enna Kros will provide you with a free compatible Prism to catch that particular Mirage, so you don’t have to worry about missing out for the most part. This World Of Final Fantasy Mirage Guide lists all of the Mirages we’ve discovered on our travels as well as information on how to catch each individual Mirage and other useful information like Mirage Masters.īefore you’re able to capture a Mirage, even if you have fulfilled the battle conditions, you must have an Empty Prism compatible with that particular Mirage. The lands of Grymoire in World of Final Fantasy is home to tons of unique monsters you can tame and use in battle called Mirages.